• 8 week online course

  • 1.5 hours of learning per week

  • Five 1.5 hour interactive Zoom sessions

Join us! Start date: 18th September 2023

Discover with this Learning Journey the next immediate steps to integrate climate into your foundation’s work.

The online course consists of 8 modules with one module released each week

Go through the modules at your own pace between 18th September 2023 and 21st November 2023, and learn to integrate a climate lens into your foundation's strategy.

  • Module 1 - How did we get here?

    Discover the causes of climate change, and the key physical, social and psychological factors that are fuelling the crisis.

  • Module 2 - What impacts are we seeing today?

    Understand the physical impacts of warming, the tipping points in the climate system, and the injustice related to the worst effects being felt by those in developing countries.

  • Module 3 - What’s being done about it?

    Examine the current climate action happening at different levels: From the international stage, to national governments, businesses, civil society, and the philanthropic sector.

  • Module 4 - Decarbonising operations and intersectional funding opportunities

    Explore how to decarbonise operations, and examine how pioneering foundations are driving change to respond to the needs of a world vulnerable to the climate emergency while delivering on their foundation’s mission.

  • Module 5 - Creating a climate-aligned grantmaking strategy - Scoping out the journey ahead

    Discover the journey that foundations need to take to create a climate-aligned grantmaking strategy. Identify some of the key levers for generating lasting change, some first steps for climate-aligned grantmaking and map out the climate philanthropy landscape.

  • Module 6 - Creating a climate-aligned grantmaking strategy - Finding your role to play

    Identify the role that your foundation can play in working to tackle the climate crisis. Looking at what others are already doing in the climate philanthropy space, assessing your foundation's risk appetite, resources and how to iterate as you go.

  • Module 7 - Responsible investments

    Reimagine how a foundation’s endowment portfolio can be invested for the benefit of the planet.

  • Module 8 - Leading wider change

    Discover the wider impact your foundation can have as well as the role that you personally can play in leading the change needed.

Participate in five interactive sessions during the course

All the interactive sessions where you can meet with others taking the course will run from 2pm to 3.30pm CET

  • Interactive Session I: 19th September 2023

  • Interactive Session II: 10th October 2023

  • Interactive Session III: 24th October 2023

  • Interactive Session IV: 7th November 2023

  • Interactive Session V: 21st November 2023

What will you gain from this course?

On completion of this course, you’ll have:

  • A personal action plan outlining the next steps to take to integrate climate into your work.

  • Insight into how your foundation can better support projects that will shift the political dial.

  • A supportive community of like-minded peers to continue your climate journey with.

Hear more about what you'll take away from this course from our Course Convener, Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President, the Club of Rome.

Is this the right course for me?

This course is for everyone who wants to take an active role in integrating climate change into their foundation's work, no matter your organisation's size or funding interest.

It explores the fundamentals of climate change, the impacts of the crisis on your philanthropic work, and opportunities to drive change in three main areas; your operations, your grantmaking and your investments. No prior knowledge in sustainability or climate is needed. And if you have some prior experience in these topics you’ll be able to build on what you already know while gaining new insights into the relationship between climate change and philanthropy.

Learn strategies from 20+ climate and philanthropy experts to help get to a place of action faster.

Want to know more?


Everything you need to know about the course

  • What will I get out of this course?

    The course will provide you with a solid foundation on climate change basics, knowledge of how it intersects with philanthropy, and how to craft the first steps for your organisation to adequately respond to the crisis. You’ll come out with the expertise to begin aligning your operations, grantmaking, and investing with climate action, and become a driver proponent of change within your sphere of influence. You’ll learn from over 20 industry experts and be invited to join interactive sessions where you’ll build meaningful connections with a community of peers while being supported by coaches trained in design thinking and innovation. By the end of the course, you’ll have developed a bespoke action plan describing the first steps you’ll take within your organisation to drive change.

  • What is the structure of the course? How do I get a certificate?

    The course is structured in eight compact online modules, released weekly. Each module takes roughly 1.5 hours to complete. You’ll have the flexibility to work on these self-driven modules at your own pace. During the course you’ll work on developing a personal action plan for your foundation. You’ll also be invited to participate in five 1.5-hour-long online interactive sessions facilitated by expert coaches where you can work closely with others who are taking the course. You can engage with your community of peers in an online forum. Upon completion of the online modules and if you have participated in at least three out of the five interactive sessions you'll receive a course certificate.

  • How long will the course take me to complete?

    This is an eight-week course. The time commitment for each week is roughly 1.5 hours of self-paced online learning. Every other week there will be a 1.5-hour interactive sessions. Dates and time of the interactive sessions can be viewed under each course. After the end of the course you'll be able to access the online content for another eight weeks to go back to what you have learned or complete any lessons that you didn't have time to take.

  • Is the course online or in-person? What are the technical requirements?

    The course is online. There is 1.5 hours of asynchronous learning a week (i.e. you can move through the course content on your own) complemented with live, synchronous interactive sessions. To take the course, you require a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or smart device that runs the most recent version of one of the following web-browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Microsoft Edge for desktop devices, iOS Safari: 11 and up, Chrome or Samsung Internet for mobile devices. You also need a high-speed internet connection. For participation in the interactive sessions via Zoom you need a webcam and a headset or microphone.

  • Will I mix with other students taking the course? How big will the group be?

    Absolutely! Building a network of peers who are also working to drive change in their foundations is integral. We’ve set up live interactive sessions to create a space for you to meet and build relationships with your peers. You’ll also have the chance to interact and share feedback with them through weekly discussion forums on the online platform. Each cohort will consist of about 30 participants. Should there be less than 24 registrations we reserve the right to cancel the course and refund the course fee.

  • What are the online interactive sessions?

    There are five live online interactive sessions during the course. Each of these 1.5-hour-long Zoom sessions are facilitated by expert coaches. They give you the chance to explore the course materials and share your experiences with others who are taking the course. In these sessions you'll build deeper relationships with your peers.

  • What is the personal action plan I'll leave the course with?

    Through a step-by-step guided process, you’ll flesh out a climate-positive vision for your foundation and detail some of the initial steps for taking action. This action plan will allow you to synthesise learning from across the course.

  • Can I enrol my whole team or organisation in the course?

    Absolutely! This will ensure your team will be up-skilled to lead your foundation’s transition to become more climate-aligned. Enrolling team members from across your organisation with different fields of expertise and responsibilities will help smooth the transition and bring everyone on board to innovate and work together. Click on the button below the FAQ section to contact Active Philanthropy for information on group discounts.

  • What is the cost of the course, and are there any discounts? Do Philea members have any advantages?

    To cover the running costs of the course, a single seat is priced at 1498€. If you are staff of a Philea membership organization you may be eligible for a discount. Please reach out to us to find out. If you’re paying for 1 seat, you can pay online via the platform. There are a limited number of seats available for each start date (30), so we encourage you to book a seat as soon as you can. If you would like to join with a group of colleagues please contact us to make the most of a group discount. Since we want this course to be accessible to a maximum of organizations and also those with a smaller budget we offer a limited amount of scholarships. Please contact us to apply.

Countdown to the September 2023 intake start date:

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds